TomTato Hybrid Plant Grows Both Potatoes And Tomatoes

January 9, 2015

Thompson & Morgan's TomTato® video

Click here to buy TomTato® plants:
Another world first from Thompson & Morgan - the TomTato®! From these specially grafted plants you can harvest both tomatoes and potatoes - a concept which has been talked about for many years, but this is the first time plants have been successfully produced commercially.

The tomatoes are sugary yet tangy with a brix of 10.2, and below ground this plant produces delicious, versatile potatoes - ideal for boiling, mashing, roasting, baking or for making chips. Watch our video to find out more about the amazing TomTato®.

TomTato, Grafting tomatoes and potatoes, Tomato potato plant, Tomato potato graft, Potato tomato plant, Potato (Organism Classification), Thompson And Morgan
TomTato plant
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